WHC …Big Stake contender poll is getting intense…..results so far-poll ends Monday!
results so far……
WHC MEMBERS POLL-Of these WGC contenders, if the Big Stake were held tomorrow, who would be your favorite contender?
- JUSTIFIED HONORS (15%, 24 Votes)
- DIXIE ROAD (13%, 21 Votes)
- MR. TRUE BLUE (12%, 19 Votes)
- CAVENDER (12%, 19 Votes)
- REALLY COACH (10%, 16 Votes)
- MACH 1 (9%, 14 Votes)
- JOSE REVIVAL (8%, 13 Votes)
- KOBE 24 (5%, 9 Votes)
- JOE PA (5%, 8 Votes)
- OTHER (4%, 7 Votes)
- OUTTA LINE RITZ (3%, 5 Votes)
- MR. MAGNIFICO (2%, 3 Votes)
- A BIG HONOR (2%, 3 Votes)
- HONOR AND REMEMBER (2%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 164